Hello Coffee Lover
As a way of introduction, my name is Marcel Jennett, founder of Safari Coffee Roasters, an independent, second-generation coffee importer and roaster. Over the years we have strived to locate operations that share our philosophy and passions for the exceptional in food and beverage. It's more than the typical customer /vendor relationship but rather a partnership that historically have been long lasting with our wholesale friends.

Our customers acknowledge that delicious coffee enhances the main dish, a mouth watering desert or simply a smooth, non bitter drip roast . In many cases coffee will be the last thing consumed at their place of business or something they will take with them. Every sip reminds this customer of their overall experience and encourages them to return sooner, refer to friends or write a great review on social media.

For over 30 years, we have been on a journey of coffee discovery, always open to the idea that there always might be something better out there and in 2013 sourced coffees from ten new growing regions which are most definitely the best we have ever screened. Great coffees start absolutely and primarily with sourcing from the best farms, followed by roasting skills, freshness and finally speed of delivery. When possible we will make ourselves available for staff training too. Having a crew that can brew will make a world of difference.

It is important to note that we are not asking prospective clients to switch to our blends exclusively, because much like fine wine and microbrews there are many solid coffee roasters out there, so it may be optimal for your operation to offer two brands who have different but exceptional taste profiles.
Where we do differ from many of them is our pricing is substantially less per pound because we don't employ a commissioned sales force, delivery trucks (we ship everything free of charge), fancy packaging, large marketing budget or an owner who drives a foreign luxury car!
Don't forget your wholesale discount code is Save50 at twenty pounds or more. You may also contact me personally at safaricoffee@gmail.com where we can expand our relationship further with a phone call or visit for a free siphon demonstration. Details for the siphon demo are on the wholesale pages.
Thank you,
Marcel Jennett
Chief Roasting Officer and Owner- Safari Coffee Roasters